Monday, June 15, 2009

The Blame Game

So I've been doing a few bartending shifts lately, as a result of there being maybe five trained bartenders where I work (not enough at all).

It's been good, mistakes usually have less severe consequences... making cocktails is fun and it's something different from the norm.

However, the one thing I have learnt in the whole two shifts I have done is that the bartenders cop it.

The dish guys might complain about their job, but they get a free feed and we get yelled at for stacking dishes incorrectly. Kitchen staff usually do the yelling. Hosts admittedly cop it a fair bit, but that's usually because they are within a metre radius of the server when they find out they got quadruple sat and someone unfortunately ends up bearing the brunt of the frustration.

But bartenders really cop it. They get blamed for all the mistakes, they get blamed if drinks take a while (even though serving customers at the bar is a clearly stated priority so there is not much you can do if five guys want to order beers when you are after your Daquiri), they get blamed for takeaway orders not getting paid for (which is usually a simple communication problem), they get blamed for glasses being dirty, drinks not being alcoholic enough and beers having too much head on them (pouring New into a frozen glass is ridiculously difficult to do). They get blamed for everything.

I know I make mistakes... we all do, so that's why when something goes wrong I would rather fix the problem straight away than spend ten minutes trying to find someone to pin the problem on.

Maybe its because the servers see bartenders in an enclosed space with no way to escape or because it appears that they are cruising around doing nothing while servers are getting smashed, but if another server gives me attitude because I didn't abandon the man sitting at the bar to pour their orange juice I will flip.

I think it is an example of a much bigger problem in the hospitality industry... this incessant need to make someone burn when something goes wrong. Not only does demanding retribution waste the time you could have used to rectify the situation, but it makes the recipient mad. And anger is like a virus, it spreads to everyone. Before you know it, everyone is pissed off, nobody is willing to help each other and it makes it so much harder to get the job done.

I myself have mouthed off openly when someone messes up and makes my life more difficult. But working behind the bar has demonstrated that a) EVERYONE makes mistakes and thus nobody has the right to go around swearing and yelling about something they'll probably do next week and b) usually there is a reason you're drink hasn't been made and its usually not the bartenders fault.

Before you assume that it's my incompetence that is preventing you from getting your drink made on time just consider that there's actually a reason behind it. And hey, at the end of the day, shit happens and sometimes there is just nobody to blame.

A disgruntled employee.


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